Thursday 5 February 2015

Young India burns into ash..

Young India is getting 'High'. Drug abuse has become a most common issue all over the world. Countries like America, Belgium, Singapore are flooded with different types of drugs. And India is so not far behind. For a developing country like India, drug abuse is a real curse. Most of the addicts are under the age of 25, and thats the time for being a strong warrior for the country. In India, the rate of increase in young addicts are alarmingly increasing. Panjab have almost 75 percent of the youth addicted, which means 3 among 4 youngsters are addicted to drugs.

This count is getting increased irrespective of gender. The use of drugs like Marijuana, Cocaine, and Heroin make people feel they are strong and bright. These drugs secretes a Chemical called Dopamine into the young brains. Its a chemical which secretes in human brain, when we are happy. By injecting this artificially makes the amount increase and that makes them even happier and active. A person who is using these drugs may feel boost in their creativity and skills. And so, they'll crave to use it when it reach their eyes. Actually, the usage not only cause severe affects on their body, but their minds too. Gradually, the hormone secretion in those brains starts decreasing. And they'll need those drugs to find them happier.

Surveys by WHO says, 30-40 percent of cocaine users are addicted to it. The decrease in count of the drugs from their blood, makes them feel depressed. And sure, they'll know what makes them come out of it. And they start searching for it. This is the first stage of addiction. Marijuana is illegal all over the world because of its negative impacts, even though its a good medicine. They call it in different names like Joint, Dope, Hemp. We've heard of Revolutions in countries like USA to legalize Cannabis. In India, if this rate bumbs up as it is, we'll have to see a Legalize drugs Revolution soon.

Our society treat the master minds who've come out of the world of Drugs very badly. They should be treated real smoothly, or else there is a chance for them to go back. Think about our future generations, they are gonna pay for our search for happiness. It'll be difficult to take this off from our society. But hopes makes us live. So hope and work for a healthy and real brighter India.

Say No to DRUGS.

Drugs affect more than just you.

No drug user grows old; because they die young !!



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